Complex ply yarns are usually composed of the following: a base or CORE, an effect, and a tie or binder. 合股花式线由下述纱线组成:芯纱或基础纱,饰纱,还有固结纱。
The core sand mixture using alumina as refractory particle, barium hydroxide as binder, and aluminium power as additive can be hardened by CO_2. 以电熔刚玉为骨料、氢氧化钡为粘结剂、铝粉为添加剂的型芯混合料在吹入CO2气体后即可实现硬化。
Study on Protection Environment Type Core Sand Adhesive by Expansion-crosslink Technology a mixture of emery dust and a binder; can be molded into grindstones. 利用膨化&交联技术制备环保型芯砂粘结剂的研究金刚砂土和粘合剂的混合物,能铸成旋转磨石。
Coverspun is described as a bicomponent yarn made of a center or core of staple fibers that are wrapped with filament fibers that serve as the binder. 包缠纺纱线可以描述为:由短纤维构成的纱芯被长丝包缠的一种双组分纱线,长纤维起捆扎作用。
JD-1 Foundry Core Binder of Complexed-Crosslinked Type JD-1型铸造用复合交联型高分子粘结剂的研究
The animal glue is used to make mold and core sand binder, and infrared spectrum ( IRS), chemical element analysis, and thermal lost-weight analysis are used to explore the recycling property and reused process of glue-based mold and also its core sand environmental influences. 采用近乎属于固体工业废物的动物胶做型芯砂黏结剂,用红外光谱分析、热分析及元素分析等方法探讨了其对环境的影响以及所制造型芯砂的回用性能、再生工艺等。
The core materials consist of soluble phosphate binder, magnesium oxide hardener and high-purity silicon oxide as refractory aggregate materials. 这种芯料采用水溶性磷酸盐为粘结剂、氧化镁为固化剂、高纯二氧化硅为耐火骨料。
Research on New Core Binder YF 芯砂用新型YF粘结剂的研究
Method and application of manufacturing hydroxyl acid from used oil for mold and core sand binder is introduced. These oil include motor oil, insulating oil, diesel oil, turbine oil, cylinder oil, etc. 介绍了一种用机械油、绝缘油、柴油机油、汽轮机油、汽缸油等各种废油制作羟基酸的方法及其作为型(芯)砂粘结剂的应用。
In the course of this experiment, core starch(β starch) was used to be as the principal binder of shell core for making iron castings. 试验用β淀粉作主粘结剂的芯砂制出了能用于铸铁件生产的壳芯,可以认为,以天然淀粉作芯砂主粘结剂用于铸造生产是完全可能的。
The CO 2 phenolic resin binder system is a new molding and core making binder for cold box process, which has many advantage properties. CO2固化碱性甲阶酚醛树脂粘结剂是一种新型的造型、制芯材料。
Study on Foundry Core Binder of Expansion Intertexture of Polished Glutinous Rice Powder 铸造用改性糯米粉砂芯粘合剂的研究
Method and Application of Manufacturing Hydroxy Acid from Used Oil for Mold and Core Sand Binder 废油制作羟基酸型(芯)砂粘结剂的方法与应用
There exists a surrounding layer, a transitional phase, between the Ti ( C, N) core and the binder Ni. It is likely that the wettability of Ni on carbide is improved, so that the binder and the carbide are better combined. Ti(C,N)芯与粘结相Ni之间存在的包覆层是一种过渡相,它改善了Ni对碳化物的润湿性,使粘结相与硬质相能较好地结合。
The organic fraction of MHA binder is burned out during heating and partial heat is released. This is helpful to increase the temperature of the core of pellets, and to promote the induration of pellets. ( 2): reducing action of MHA binder. MHA粘结剂中有机元素在球团高温焙烧过程中发生燃烧,释放部分热量,提高了球团内部温度,有利于球团固结;(2)还原作用。
After being sintered, the carbide phase of the cermets exhibits classical core-rim morphology: core phase, gray surrounding phase and grayish-white binder phase. 材料烧结后,经显微组织观察,Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷基体的显微组织具有典型的芯-壳结构:黑色的硬质相、灰色的环形相及灰白色的粘结相。